Bestbiit/Bluebiit: Illegally spamming to advertise electronic gadgets

Bestbiit Oy (see biz reg), d/b/a Bluebiit, a Finnish startup, is spamming to advertise its goods, and I already mentioned them in this capacity elsewhere.  There is nothing inherently surprising about this.  Their spams have no plaintext content, so they violate every item of the spam legislation (not being identifiable as marketing, not having a mechanism for removal, and not describing the address list used).  Unfortunately the Helsinki City Marathon organisation allowed them on as a sponsoring vendor (so I got to tell them off to their face; “we remove everybody who complains” said the young man and probably believed it was OK to spam as long as you did; unfortunately it’s not even true that they would do that) and they’ve got our recent Olympic silver medalist as a promotional face, too.  Shame, shame!

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American Family: Welcoming a Spamtrap to its List :/

Sweepstakes and deals program American Family today sent a welcome message to a spamtrap that has been closed for over ten years, notifying it that it had been added to their list. Moreover, when this spamtrap was live, it belonged to a European user who presumably would not qualify for the deals that this site offers. The ESP is Acxiom Digital.

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dELiA*s: Clothing for the Fashionable Spamtrap

The online storefront for dELiA*s, a women’s clothing store in the United States, is sending email advertisements to a spamtrap that closed several years ago. The ESP is Cheetahmail, a subsidiary of Experian.

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Sprint: MASSIVE Spam Run (Shame on you!)

U.S. telecommunications and network service provider Sprint today sent bulk email to a couple dozen spamtraps of mine and (doubtless) a great many belonging to other antispammers. Most of these email addresses have been closed for periods ranging from five years to over a decade, if they were ever live at all. (I didn’t check them all.) The ESP is Acxiom Digital, which presumably did not expect a customer with Sprint’s reputation and experience to spam a list that could have been sourced from a Millionez CD seller. 🙁

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Campanile: Offering Deals on a B&B to a Spamtrap

Campanile, a UK-based hotel and restaurant chain that is owned by French hotelier Louvre Hotels Group, about two weeks ago started sending bulk email advertisements to an email address that was closed in 2002. The ESP is Pure 360, aka PureSender.

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Entertainment Weekly: We Want You Back! (To a 7-Year-Old Spamtrap)

Entertainment Weekly, a widely-read U.S.-based magazine about the entertainment industry published by Time, Inc., today sent a subscription offer to what it evidently believes is a former subscriber. The email address to which it was sent has not been live for over seven years. The ESP is Acxiom Digital.

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Informing a Ten-Year-Old Spamtrap about Current Events

Time Europe recently started to send their “Weekly Edition” summaries of stories to an email address at my employer that was closed before I started to work there. I re-enabled it in 2010 as a spamtrap. I do not doubt that many people have asked for the attached email, but this email address did not ask for any bulk email after 2001. The ESP is CheetahMail.

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Uh oh, Steve Corsi is on fire!

Somebody better grab a fire extinguisher, because Steve Corsi is on fire. I’m not sure who Steve Corsi is, but is so eager to tell everyone about this that they seem to have purchased a list containing many spamtrap addresses. I’m seeing copies of this mailing to multiple addresses, including both never-valid addresses and addresses that have been dead for more than 10 years.

The ESP is SimplyCast.

The text version of the message was empty except for a couple of “click here” links. I did not load or include the HTML as I did not want to falsely register image load activity to imply that my spamtrap addresses were alive.

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(RESOLVED) Suomen Yrittäjäpalvelut: Selling electronic cigarettes to spamtraps

This is so far off the scale of mainsleaze it’s questionable if it bears to be mentioned here. But it was sent through a legitimate ESP (Sendgrid), and there appears to be a connection to a legitimate Finnish business, however concealed.

Read more… How a Spamtrap Can Raise an Olympic Contender?

Today, a web site with information for parents of babies and toddlers, for the first time sent bulk email to a spamtrap that has been dead for over a decade. The web site is owned and operated by Parenting magazine, which belongs to consumer publication company Bonnier Corporation. The ESP is SilverPop.

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