Getwin Oy: Still spamming

My favourite spammer boi and his trusty sidekick are at it again, advertising the services of the latter’s business, Getwin Oy (www, biz reg) via spam to the usual crapola of addresses, including ones that have already opted out >18 months earlier. Unusually, I’m only munging the links that could be clicked to “remove” this address from the spam below.

Being their usual smart selves, they registered to spam with. Let’s put it this way: stepping on the shoes of the giant in Redmond is not a smart move. At the very least, this has the makings of a UDRP case, but being done in a manner that makes it look like MS were involved in their spamming, I’d say the spammers are hoping to have a new one ripped.

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Back and forth… Lateralus Enterprise has moved

Back in November, I noted that my favourite spammer-boi had moved househis Bidniz HQ. It appears from the Finnish Business Information System that as of March 25, the Spam HQ is back in Espoo, at Kaskipuunkaari 7 M 38, 02340 ESPOO, which is a “right-of-occupancy” housing estate. According to the two results of a Fonecta Finder reverse lookup, the ownership of the phone number 040-594 0756 indicates the corresponding change both for Tavoite Media and the owner.

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