First third of 2021 in Spamtraps: ESPs
Once again, a trendline post. The percentages of ESP mail from all spam the traps saw was more or less 6.6% across the entire period, with slight variations.

The top contenders continue to remain all alone in their heights. Any interesting movements are occurring in the #5 to #15 slots.
Mailgun showed absolute growth in numbers across the entire period and finally surpassed OMC in April. From February on, this is due to a collections agency in the UK, it seems.
Epsilon’s trend is also consistently upward. DICK’S Sporting Goods, Inc. is responsible for half of what they send to us.
Finally, Mailjet took a huge leap in April compared to the rest of the observation period. Interestingly enough, their worst customer is the same as that of Mailgun – a collection agency in the United Kingdom. Not only the same kind of, but actually the same domain names.