OfficeHelpsX Oy: Selling printing supplies to spamtraps
Ever since mid-November 2012 or so, OfficeHelpsX Oy (www, biz reg) are spamming to sell printing supplies and office products. The domain registration of the spam-advertised domain,
, at FICORA indicates a former d/b/a of the business, Konttoriapu UK Oy, and a phone number that leads to somebody who isn’t them (although names were recognised).
OfficeHelpsX Oy (d/b/a Kotar) are doing their own spamming (after a brief venture with a sorry excuse for an ESP, MailerLite).
The messages do not contain an indication of the address source as required by Section 25 of the Personal Data Act. The person responding to the phone number in the biz reg admitted that they are spamming purchased lists and saw nothing wrong with that. She was also annoyed that I called the “out of hours” number and tried to point me to their contact details page for the daytime number, which is registered to the same business and person as the other one. Does it really matter which handset you pick up? 😉
Their web site does not contain a Description of the Personal Data File as required by Section 10 of the Personal Data Act.
Spamming IP:
Spam headers:
From Thu Feb 21 hh:mm:ss 2013 Return-Path: <> Received: from ( []) by x (Postfix) with ESMTP id x for <x>; Thu, 21 Feb 2013 hh:mm:ss +0200 (EET) Received: from (unknown []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPA id x for <x>; Thu, 21 Feb 2013 hh:mm:ss +0200 (EET) MIME-Version: 1.0 From: OfficehelpsX Oy <> Reply-To: To: x Subject: Alkuperäiset väriaineet nyt hullun halvalla Content-Type: multipart/related; type="text/html"; boundary="----=_NextPart_001_x_x.x" X-Mailer: Smart_Send_2_0_138 Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2013 hh:mm:ss +0200 Message-ID: <x@Ari-PC> Content-Length: 55905 Lines: 842
Human-readable spam content: Not a word, it’s all HTML, included below in munged format.
Väriaineet kampanjahintaan 12.2 – 28.2.2013
Nyt kaikki alkuperäiset ja tarvike väriaineet todella edullisin kampanjahinnoin.
Täydennä varastosi, sillä nyt se todella kannattaa !
Rekisteröidy sivustolle:
Saat tämän jälkeen aktivoimislinkin antamaasi s-posti osoitteeseen. Aktivoi linkki. Odota viestiä myynnistämme, kaikki rekisteröityneet asiakkaat saavat alennusta toimistotarvikeista. Viestin saatuasi voit kirjautua kauppaamme, pääset tutustumaan laajaan tuotevalikoimaamme ja edullisiin hintoihimme.
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