Silver Oak Casino: Online Gambling for Spamtraps! Wow!
Silver Oak Casino, a group of online gambling sites that uses multiple names and domains, has been sending bulk email to a number of my spamtraps for months. None of these spamtraps has been live for over two years; some have not been live for over a decade. I was unaware until the last couple of days that the various casino spams that my spamtraps have been receiving via ESP Emailvision were all sent by the same company, but they were.
Sending IPs:
Spam Sample:
Actual Headers:
Received: from ( []) by <xxx> (Postfix) with ESMTP id <xxx> for <xxx>; Tue, 6 Mar 2012 09:xx:xx -0600 (CST) DKIM-Signature: <xxx> Received: by id <xxx> for <xxx>; Tue, 6 Mar 2012 16:xx:xx +0100 (envelope-from <>) Date: Tue, 6 Mar 2012 16:xx:xx +0100 (CET) From: <xxx> <> Reply-To: "" <> To: <xxx> Message-ID: <<xxx>@<xxx>> Subject: At Silver Oaks -huge bonus awaits all new players. All US accepted MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=<xxx> X-EMV-Platform: <xxx>$ X-EMV-CampagneId: <xxx>$ X-EMV-MemberId: <xxx>$ List-Unsubscribe:<xxx>
Readable Email:
From: <xxx> <>
To: <spamtrap>
Subject: At Silver Oaks -huge bonus awaits all new players. All US accepted
Reply-To: <>

How to get it:
- Retrieve the software and create your account
- Create an account and add a minimum $30 credit
- Select "Redeem " and enter "WELCOME 200"
- Choose your game and start winning!
NOTE: These emails are not CAN-SPAM compliant; they lack the required postal address for the sender. In addition, due to strict U.S. laws regarding online gambling and often strict enforcement of those laws, this offer is probably not legal in the United States. Nonetheless, all but one of the spamtraps that these emails are sent to were at domains that once belonged to U.S.-based companies, ISPs, and organizations.
2 Responses to Silver Oak Casino: Online Gambling for Spamtraps! Wow!