June 2015 in spamtraps: ESPs

ESP mail seen in spamtraps in June 2015

ESP mail seen in spamtraps in June 2015

0 All other ESPs 43.8%
1 MySMTP 11.0%
2 SendGrid 10.1%
3 ExactTarget 9.3%
4 MailChimp (77% MC, 23% Mandrill) 8.4%
5 CheetahMail 4.0%
6 Constant Contact 3.2%
7 Amazon SES 3.0%
8 SilverPop 2.9%
9 Compost Marketing 2.2%
10 eCircle / Teradata 2.1%

We have a new contestant this month. My first hunch was that this is somebody we haven’t been tracking before, but unfortunately that’s not the case.


The Danish ESP MySMTP gained a seriously spamming customer on or around June 11. They were spamming in Finnish and Swedish. Over the course of the rest of the month, they were responsible for several thousand hits in our spamtraps every day for three weeks.  MySMTP’s regular output (which consists largely of “you participated in a competition online” spam) places them in the top 30, but nowhere near the top 10, let alone #1. The spamming customer appears to have become history on July 1. Information on their real identity would be appreciated.

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