IMAX Printing: Selling Printing Services to a Spamtrap

IMAX Printing, an online printing services provider, is sending bulk advertising emails to an email address that closed in 2003. The email address has not previously received email from this sender since it exited its timeout period and was re-enabled as a spamtrap. The ESP is Benchmark Email.

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Carbon Central UK: Soliciting Spamtraps to Trade in Carbon Credits

Carbon Central UK, an online marketplace for trading in carbon credits, sent bulk email to a number of my spamtraps last night. None of the spamtraps had previously received email from this entity. The ESP is Emailvision.

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Pastor Melissa Scott: Preaching to a Spamtrap

Pastor Melissa Scott, minister of Faith Center in Glendale, California, is sending bulk email advertisements to an email address that was closed in 2005. The email address in question began receiving email from Pastor Scott only a few months ago, so the cause is probably either an unconfirmed web form subscription, or a purchased list. The sending ESP is IContact.

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Diverse Careers: Advertising Job Fairs to a Spamtrap

Diverse Careers, a California-based job board and career fair management company, is sending email newsletters to an email address that has never existed at all. This email address, along with a plausible but incorrect name, has been receiving a great deal of job-related and recruiting spam from what appear to be different organizations in the past several months, suggesting that it may be on a “targeted” list for sale. The ESP is Vertical Response.

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Google Calendar: Daily Emails Despite a Year of SMTP Rejections

Google Calendar is sending daily bulk email notifications to a spamtrap. The spamtrap was recently re-enabled after its timeout period, which means that for a period of over twelve consecutive months, it issued 500-level SMTP rejections to the daily Google Calendar email notifications. It is likely that this spamtrap years ago, when live, was subscribed to Google Calendar notifications. However, after a year of 500-level rejections to a daily bulk email, those emails need to have stopped. These did not, and are now spam. Google needs to fix its broken bounce processing for Google Calendar NOW.

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They’re right. 🙂 But their uncanny ability to read my mind does not justify spamming a personal email address. The ESP was ExactTarget.

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Fellon-McCord: Inviting a Spamtrap to a Seminar

U.S.-based energy market advisor and manager Fellon-McCord is sending bulk email advertisements to a closed role address at an ISP that went out of business in 2002. This spamtrap has also not previously received email from Fellon-McCord. The role address is not one of the standard role addresses used at many sites, which might account for its presence on a large number of lists for sale. It is also unlikely to be result of a typo. The ESP is Sendgrid.

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Rope Oy: B2B spamming Finnish businesses, no address register indication, no opt-out possibility

Rope Oy, a Finnish marketing company d/b/a Rope-Yhtiöt, is resorting to spamming to advertise its own services. The ESP is MMD Networks Oy, whose instructions and suggestions for their customers clearly indicate they figure opt-out is OK. Or what do you think? “Jos vastaanottajat ovat tilanneet postin, lähetystiheys voi olla vaikka päivittäinen” – my translation: “If the recipients have subscribed to your mailing, it’s OK to send even daily”, implying that bulk email can be sent to recipients who haven’t subscribed. MMD, wonder if you know what unsolicited bulk email is known as around here?

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Fight for the Future: Repurposing Contact Email Addresses

Fight for the Future, a newly-formed nonprofit group that opposes the SOPA and PIPA antipiracy legislation currently under consideration in the U.S. Congress and that runs the web site, is sending bulk email to email addresses that were entered into that web site as contact email addresses in case there was a problem with the user’s blacked-out web site or some other technical issue. The bulk email makes no claim to opt-in, although it offers an opt-out link. The ESP is Blue State Digital.

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Market Energia Sähkönmyynti Oy: Selling electricity deals to a spamtrap

Market Energia Sähkönmyynti Oy is trying to sell a better deal on electricity to somebody at the domain that used to belong to Savon Voima Oyj, an electricity company in eastern Finland.

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