Suunnittelutoimisto Jotain… aka Still illegally spamming for spamming services

Following the reception of more of exactly the same, this is just a recap of the previous post.

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Toyota: “Spamming Forward”

The attached spam was sent by Toyota to an address that was never provided to them. The ESP is Innovyx.

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Pixmania: Spamming addresses scraped from web pages

Pixmania Pro, the B2B arm of the French company Pixmania SAS, is spamming. They’re not even pretending it’s not spam. The ESP is NP6, likewise a French business.

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Men’s Wearhouse: Try This Spam On For Size

The Men’s Wearhouse is sending spam, thanking you for joining some program of theirs.

This single spam was sent to the personal address of this blogger, who never gave them his email address and never signed up for this program.

Could be a sign of a much larger spam problem, I guarantee it.  ESP is Responsys.

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Liberty Capital: Offering Small Business Loans to a Role Address

Liberty Capital, which provides loans and financing to small businesses with less-than-pristine credit, is sending bulk email to a role address that was closed in 2004. Role addresses rarely send email, and almost never ask to receive bulk email. In addition, this address has not been live for eight years. The ESP is Vertical Response.

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J.C. Penney: Phony “Confirmed” Opt-In (Gotcha!)

After previously spamming one of my spamtraps, J.C. Penney (a major U.S.-based department store) is sending phony “opt-in” confirmation emails. These emails have a Subject that reads, “Open To Confirm Your Email! EVERYTHING CHANGES 2.1.12”. In other words, anybody who is careless or curious enough to open this email in any normal email program that does not block images is automatically “confirmed” on the J. C. Penney list whether they intended to confirm or not. (“Gotcha!”) :/ The ESP is Cheetahmail, a division of Experian.

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Dell Computers: Spamming Yet Again :/

U.S. high tech giant Dell Computers is once again sending bulk email advertisements to an email address that didn’t ask to receive them. I am confident that this is the case because I’ve seen spam from Dell Small Business via Reed Business Systems to both personal email addresses and spamtraps for years. Since Dell *is* able to set and enforce marketing policy for its company, I must conclude that it is unwilling to rein in its spamming business unit and marketing partner. The ESP is Epsilon Interactive, via its subsidiary Bigfoot Interactive.

Read more… Blog spam at Mainsleaze

Somebody, or it might be something, just visited the Mainsleaze blog from (, trying to leave a comment on the Microsoft spam posting I made yesterday. Too bad the comment itself had nothing to offer on the Microsoft issue; it was merely comment spam in a blog, advertising some content on the blog of ( Ky) that is somehow related to Microsoft products.  I gave the owner of the biz a call and let him know; he says everything to do with their site happens through an advertising agency they use, which he did not name.  Their WordPress content looks like it’s all auto-linked from elsewhere. Gee…

The Attack of the 800 Pound Finnish Gorilla: Microsoft (Finland) ignores opt-out

Microsoft’s Finland office keeps spamming outdated and erroneous addresses at the domain. The ESP is ExactTarget. I’ve told Microsoft in September 2010 (to the explicitly named feedback address in that message), and tried again in February 2011 (to postmaster and abuse at one of their domains registered for a specific event; neither existed). Duh. Perhaps the ESP can lend a helping hand.

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Israel Ministry of Tourism: What Happens When You Ignore Bounced Email, Part 2

The Israel Ministry of Tourism is sending emailed invitations to an email address that was closed in 2009, and just recently completed its timeout period and was re-enabled as a spamtrap. The ESP is Vertical Response.

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