Bluebiit: Spamming to sell electronic gadgets

Bluebiit (see earlier post) have moved house and are now spamming from the network of, to purchased lists obtained from Suomen Markkinointirekisteri Oy and Digimediatoimisto Haikuu as before. The spam-advertised domain is hosted by Suncomet at the IP address that sent the spam.  The domain is hosted at [] (rDNS “”) by LeaseWeb in the Netherlands.  The domain is hosted at [] (“”) by Nebula, as before.  The spam-advertised online shop is hosted by Sigmatic at [] (“”).
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Bestbiit/Bluebiit: Illegally spamming to advertise electronic gadgets

Bestbiit Oy (see biz reg), d/b/a Bluebiit, a Finnish startup, is spamming to advertise its goods, and I already mentioned them in this capacity elsewhere.  There is nothing inherently surprising about this.  Their spams have no plaintext content, so they violate every item of the spam legislation (not being identifiable as marketing, not having a mechanism for removal, and not describing the address list used).  Unfortunately the Helsinki City Marathon organisation allowed them on as a sponsoring vendor (so I got to tell them off to their face; “we remove everybody who complains” said the young man and probably believed it was OK to spam as long as you did; unfortunately it’s not even true that they would do that) and they’ve got our recent Olympic silver medalist as a promotional face, too.  Shame, shame!

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