Still spamming nonexistent addresses with link exchange solicitations

Still going on as before. Processing erroneous personal data (list harvested from web pages, including things that nobody but spiders would notice), not indicating the address source, not indicating who is behind the operation, not indicating how to be removed from the list, the list of illegal aspects of this spam goes on and on.

Read more… Spamming nonexistent addresses with link exchange solicitations

This isn’t really mainsleaze, because it’s so spammy and fraudulent, but I’ve sort of covered the topic before, so now that the spammer spammed again, I’m publishing the fact.

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Search Engine Optimization for Really Dumb Dummies

I forgot to post this at the time.

The message contains a link to an obviously fake LinkedIn profile at the sender’s name.

The message was sent to an address that only exists in a HTML comment on a website.  The only parties that will ever find it are spammers spidering for addresses.

The domain is registered at Moniker to “Kery Nieminen”, which sounds fictitious (“Kery” not being a Finnish name at all, or a name in any language I know…), apparently of Snellmaninkatu 83, 02760 ESPOO, tel. +358-40-6345731 (unlisted number).  The unfortunate part is that there is no Snellmaninkatu in all of Espoo… Googling for the person’s name brings up the LinkedIn page and any number of spams that contain the same text as below, sent to blogs and public mailing lists.

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