The 1776 Coalition: Spamming a Decade-Closed Spamtrap

The 1776 Coalition, which appears on the face of things to be a Tea Party-affiliated conservative action group but whose focus is on marketing rather than politics, today spammed an email address that was closed in 2005. The email claims that the email address was added to their list on August 26, 2013. Either a malicious subscriber put this email address into the web form on this organization’s web site, and the organization failed to validate and confirm the email address before adding it to their list, or the organization is using a purchased or other third-party list. The ESP is BlueHornet, a division of Digital River.

Any controversial political action or other activist group can attract malicious forged subscriptions. It is possible that the 1776 Coalition obtained the email address from a forged subscription instead of a purchased or other third-party list. They are not responsible for the malicious actions of others, but they ARE RESPONSIBLE for taking reasonable precautions against those who abuse their hospitality to harm third parties, whom they hope will retaliate against the 1776 Coalition. Any activist group that might attract forged subscriptions has an obligation to put measures in place precautionary measures such as confirming subscriptions to their lists!

Sending IP:

Spam Sample:

Actual Headers:

Received: from ( [])
        by <xxx> (Postfix) with ESMTP id <xxx>
        for <xxx>; Fri,  6 Dec 2013 14:##:## -0600 (CST)
X-MSFBL: <xxx>
DKIM-Signature: <xxx>
Received: from [10.46.##.##] ([10.46.##.##:##] helo=localhost.localdomain)
        by (envelope-from <bounce-use=<xxx>>)
        (ecelerity r(Platform: with ESMTP
        id <xxx>; Fri, 06 Dec 2013 12:##:## -0800
Message-ID: <xxx>
Date: Fri, 06 Dec 2013 11:##:## -0800
From: "The 1776 Coalition" <>
To: <xxx>
X-Outgoing: sindal
Subject: Jack Abramoff Exclusive: Do Nothing Congress? We Wish!
List-Unsubscribe: <mailto:unsub-<xxx>>
X-PVIQ: <xxx>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;

Readable Email:

From: The 1776 Coalition <>
To: <spamtrap>
Subject: Jack Abramoff Exclusive: Do Nothing Congress? We Wish!
Reply-To: <

This message was intended for: <xxx>
You were added to the system August 26, 2013. For more information
please follow the URL below:<xxx>

Follow the URL below to update your preferences or opt-out:<xxx>

I don’t count myself among Speaker John Boehner’s fans. Frankly, I believe the dystopic nation our Republic has become is partly the result of having diffident and feckless leaders controlling the only Republican-run government institution in Washington – the House of Representatives. It seems that each time conservative Congressional backbenchers push for a national course correction, they are undercut not merely by liberals in the Democratic Party, but also by poltroons of the Republican variety.

Yet, sometimes, even Boehner and his gang get it right. Maybe not always on purpose, but we
conservatives need to take what we can get.


For information on how to advertise, <a href=”” target=”_blank”>please contact us via email</a>.

NOTE: Why is a newsletter sent by a political action group focusing on marketing? Also note the postal address, which is located in Marketer Central, also known of as Boca Raton, Florida.
7491 N. Federal Hwy, Suite C5-324, Boca Raton, FL 33487

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