Suomen Perintätoimisto: Offering collection services to spamtraps

Suomen Perintätoimisto Oy (www, biz reg) is soliciting new business via spam. They’ve been at this since August 2012 at least.

Suomen Perintätoimisto Oy is carrying out their own spamming, soiling the reputation of their ISP’s mail servers in doing so. The ISP is DNA Oy, a local telco.

Originally their spams did not contain an address source as required in Section 25 of the Personal Data Act, or an unsubscribe as required in Sections 26-27 of the Act on the Protection of Privacy in Electronic Communications. Now it says it’s their own marketing file, and an opt-out is included. Based on the contents of the address file (i.e. where I’m seeing the spam), I’m suspecting it’s a purchased list from Fonecta in reality, and at any rate, it contains outdated and erroneous information, and addresses that are guaranteed not to have signed up to anything, etc. the usual fare.

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eSoft – Verkkokauppa (Tmi Erno Tiepuoli): Still spamming to sell electronic gadgets

Nothing new to report, this old acquaintance (www, biz reg) is still spamming.

I suppose it qualifies as an ESP Problem now that Elastic Email have failed to respond to complaints on numerous occasions and the spammer is still busy spamming through their services.

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OfficeHelpsX Oy: Selling printing supplies to spamtraps

Ever since mid-November 2012 or so, OfficeHelpsX Oy (www, biz reg) are spamming to sell printing supplies and office products. The domain registration of the spam-advertised domain,, at FICORA indicates a former d/b/a of the business, Konttoriapu UK Oy, and a phone number that leads to somebody who isn’t them (although names were recognised).

OfficeHelpsX Oy (d/b/a Kotar) are doing their own spamming (after a brief venture with a sorry excuse for an ESP, MailerLite).

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Koulutuspalvelu Vaikutus: Still selling education to spamtraps

Nothing new under the sun: Koulutuspalvelu Vaikutus (www, biz reg), who share at least one player with a spammer we already know, PowerCompetence, continue to spam to sell their courses, with a travesty of an address file announcement that amounts to wiping their bottom ends with Section 25 of the Personal Data Act.

Read more… on Amazon SES

After their recent ejection off SendGrid, Suomen Markkinointirekisteri Oy (www, biz reg) are now trying their luck with Amazon’s cloud services.

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Tmi Toni Artama (U:gin mainos- ja paitapaino, ABIclothing): Selling promo pens to spamtraps

A one-man business from Uusikaupunki (www, biz reg) wants to sell promotional pens to spamtraps. The ESP is MailChimp, the campaign execution has something to do with the advertising agency Mainostoimisto Ilmiö (www, biz reg), and the list is a purchased one (what a surprise) from Fonecta (yet another whopping surprise).

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Gelo Oy: Spamming to sell training on online shops

Gelo Oy (www, biz reg) is spamming to sell its services. They admit to having purchased a list from UAB Venitas /

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SLP Group OSK (Cooperative) / Offering billing services to spamtraps

SLP Group OSK d/b/a laskutuspalvelu (www, biz reg) is advertising its billing services to spamtraps. The ESP is, a d/b/a of Mousewell Oy (www, biz reg), d/b/a Sörnäisten Sähköinen Suoramarkkinointi (Sörnäinen Electronic Direct Marketing), a relatively new Finnish spam op.

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Swedish spam ESP: Mailcom / Venamail

More information at the sender’s site. Note the complete absence of anything resembling an AUP and anything that would discuss the issue of spam (from the recipient’s perspective, anyway).

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A-Paino: Selling printing services to spamtraps

A-Paino (www (conveniently images only), biz reg), a local printing house and a d/b/a of Gennadi Kovalenko, is hoping to drum up new business by spamming. They started in late November 2012 as far as I can tell.

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