Aki seems to have some skill in cleaning up, but he’d need m4d $k1llz. This is a spam sent by and on behalf of Suomen Markkinointirekisteri Oy (www, biz reg), one of the Finnish peddlers of purchased email lists.
SendGrid, whose Email and Communications Policy forbids the use of the same, should clean him up pretty soon, I imagine. (In fact I received their report of the same during the writing of this post.) I must admit I’m a little disappointed that they haven’t crosschecked their customer base enough to spot Markkinointirekisteri’s presence before I did.
“Ei roskapostia, kaikki eivät halua sähköpostimainontaa!” is Aki’s slogan. Translation: “No junk email, not everybody wants email marketing!”. So true. I suppose it does not occur to you, Aki, that all unsolicited bulk email is junk email, and that your entire business is built around sending junk email and facilitating others doing the same?
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