SportElite Marketing Oy / Aim Higher: Spamming to solicit sponsorship from businesses for sportspeople

SportElite Marketing Oy, under the unregistered d/b/a Aim Higher (www, biz reg) is spamming to solicit sponsorship for sportspeople. Their spam service provider is the Fonecta/Ixonos collaboration, which currently means they’re experiencing serious delivery problems. Which is only appropriate given the unusually poor quality of Fonecta’s lists (even with respect to the other crap everybody else is peddling that has its origins in the Finnish Business Information System) and their utter failure to understand the problem that is spam.

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Fonecta spam summary for November 2012

Spammers using Fonecta’s spamming services through Ixonos in November 2012. There might be more; this is what I saw in my traps.

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Fonecta: Outsourcing spam ops to Ixonos

Possibly following a certain difficulty in sending spam from their own IP address range, Fonecta have entered into a strategic business partnership with Ixonos (a Finnish provider of IT services). Now Fonecta spam is being sent from the Ixonos cloud instead as of mid-September 2012 or so.
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