Spammers abusing U of MN OIT email servers

Some spammers have been abusing the University of Minnesota OIT email servers for months, up to dozens of attempts per day. Abuse@ and postmaster@ were notified with overwhelming evidence months ago but the spam continues to trickle through.

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Very persistent Finnish B2B spammer: Seolocation Oy (d/b/a Afton Videot)

Seolocation Oy (biz reg, responsible people) are really persistent B2B spammers.

They’re also listed by Suomispam.

$ host -t txt descriptive text "20170411 "
$ host -t txt descriptive text "20170320 "

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B2B Spam from Oracle

Below is another example of B2B spam sent by a large, legitimate company, this time by Oracle. This spam was sent to a pristine spamtrap that follows the format of normal email addresses at the company in question, but does not actually belong to the person that received the spam. Unlike the IBM B2B prospecting spam I reported a few days ago, Oracle sent this spam from its ESP, the Oracle Marketing Cloud.

NOTE [5/19/2017]: An Oracle representative notified me that the IP address that sent the spam is NOT part of the Oracle Marketing Cloud, although that IP belongs to Oracle.

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B2B Prospecting Spam from IBM

This week two fellow antispam activists, one of whom has been active in the field for over 20 years, reported receiving spam from the same IBM employee about the IBM Watson platform. One of the spams was sent to the business email address of the recipient. The other was sent to a pristine spamtrap that follows the formats usually used for email addresses at the company, but has never actually been used by the intended recipient. The spams were not sent through the IBM Watson Marketing Cloud (formerly SilverPop), but from its corporate mailservers.

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April 2017 in Spamtraps: ESPs

ESP mail seen in spamtraps, April 2017

ESP mail seen in spamtraps, April 2017

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Newest conman on the Estonian/Finnish B2B spam block: Ville Ryynänen, Ryynänen Consulting OÜ

Would you buy accounting services from somebody whose hand is already in your pocket? I wouldn’t, either. Rule #0: Spam is theft.

The winner this time is Mr Ville Ryynänen, of Ryynänen Consulting OÜ (see corporate and personal LinkedIn profiles; corporate website, inforegister B2B info), who asks Finnish owners of Estonian corporations whether they are happy with their current accountants and if they wouldn’t like to switch.

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PumbaStick, or Take Two of “That which we don’t do”

Pre-consciously inspired by Vernon Schryver, an entity had these things to say today:

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Heikki Holvikari, Onestop,, Victoria Oy

December 2016 in Spamtraps: ESPs

ESP mail seen in spamtraps, December 2016

ESP mail seen in spamtraps, December 2016

This month’s theme is “Fake ESPs and Dyn”. Otherwise, it’s mostly the usual suspects, with the exception of AWeber making an entry at #10 with a make-money-fast spammer.

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August 2016 in Spamtraps: ESPs

ESP mail seen in spamtraps August 2016

ESP mail seen in spamtraps August 2016

The theme of this month’s post is a specific company, unfortunately. The questionable honour goes to, Inc.

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