Guess what? Lateralus Enterprise once again

Finnish spam with anonymized domain registrations, collaborators in India, spamming IP and hosting in Romania, target addresses outdated and erroneous personal ones from the Finnish Business Information System, legally required items on sender identification, address list source missing… Gee, I wonder who it is whose spam matches these characteristics?  We’ll know soon enough if Directi agrees to de-obfuscate, I guess.

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On using purchased lists

I recently googled the words can I use a purchased email list and just had to share MailChimp‘s brilliant take on the topic. Yeah, I know it’s pretty old and predates this log by a year or three. Looking at the Finnish B2B spam my traps receive, practically all of which is sent to lists sold by the so-called reputable players Fonecta, Eniro, Asiakastieto, JM Tieto, and of course the drive-by-night yahoos such as Suomen Markkinointirekisteri Oy, Digimediatoimisto Haikuu (“Haiku”), aka Lateralus Enterprise d/b/a Tavoite Media whose primus motor objects to being named and has enlisted the help of the Data Protection Ombudsman’s office to have his name stricken from this post, and aka Suunnittelutoimisto Jotain… aka Janne Laitinen, I felt compelled to mention this – if only so that (at least any responsible international) ESPs reading this would know that if their Finnish customers mention any of the above in their mails, they’re using a purchased list.

Tavoite Media / Lateralus Enterprise: Offering e-marketing consultation to spamtraps

A young man from Espoo, Finland, a private person carrying on trade under the primary name Lateralus Enterprise d/b/a Tavoite Media, who objects to being named here and has enlisted the help of the Data Protection Ombudsman’s Office to have his name stricken from this blog, is spamming to offer his e-marketing consultation services. I’ve seen his spam at my own business starting August 2011; apparently he’s managed to listwash my business (easy enough) but unfortunately for him, my ancient spamtraps contain some addresses that are in the Finnish Business Information System too, so I get his spam this way.

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