On using purchased lists

I recently googled the words can I use a purchased email list and just had to share MailChimp‘s brilliant take on the topic. Yeah, I know it’s pretty old and predates this log by a year or three. Looking at the Finnish B2B spam my traps receive, practically all of which is sent to lists sold by the so-called reputable players Fonecta, Eniro, Asiakastieto, JM Tieto, and of course the drive-by-night yahoos such as Suomen Markkinointirekisteri Oy, Digimediatoimisto Haikuu (“Haiku”), Bisnesrekisteri.com aka Lateralus Enterprise d/b/a Tavoite Media whose primus motor objects to being named and has enlisted the help of the Data Protection Ombudsman’s office to have his name stricken from this post, and Yrityspostia.fi aka Suunnittelutoimisto Jotain… aka Janne Laitinen, I felt compelled to mention this – if only so that (at least any responsible international) ESPs reading this would know that if their Finnish customers mention any of the above in their mails, they’re using a purchased list.

JS Media: Teaching spamtraps how to deal with Facebook Timeline

JS Media (see biz reg; a personal d/b/a of Jukka Saario) wants to teach spamtraps how to deal with Facebook Timeline. Addresses are outdated and erroneous and the sender indicates having bought them from Fonecta. The ESP is Campaign Monitor, whose anti-spam policy forbids the use of purchased lists.
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Ratekoulutus: Teaching spamtraps how to advertise on Google

Ratekoulutus (see biz reg) wants to teach spamtraps how to advertise on Google. They have a bit of a history here.

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Acc Consulting: Inviting spamtraps to take courses on work safety

Acc Consulting (see biz reg) is inviting spamtraps to courses on work safety. I mentioned the issue of using outdated addresses (specifically, the problem of purchasing same from Fonecta, and of using purchased lists in general) to them in email on Feb 21, but don’t think I’ve had a response, and the marketing efforts continue.

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Vistaprint in cahoots with Fonecta

Vistaprint are spamming, as always. Fonecta (specifically their Kontaktikone branch) are helping, as always. The addresses so targeted are severely outdated, as always. Nothing new under the sun. A marriage made in heaven, or in Hell, whichever you prefer.

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Saunalahti and Fonecta: Still at it

In reference to my Nov 15 post on the topic.

It’s illegal spam.  The plaintext content does not indicate the address source (mandatory requirement as per law), nor a way of getting removed from the mailing list. The HTML content may indicate an address source, but I just can’t view it with Mutt…

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Kauppalehti: legally B2B spamming

Kauppalehti, a publication of Alma Media plc and the nearest equivalent Finland has to Financial Times, is spamming businesses’ contact addresses that JM Tieto Oy sold them.

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Fonecta Oy: Still at it

In reference to my Oct 12 post on the topic.

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Fonecta Oy: Emailing dead addresses, not respecting opt-out

Fonecta Oy, a Finnish media agency, continues to spam addresses at a domain that has changed hands two years ago via their CRM tool despite endless e-mail opt-outs, phone calls, etc. Fonecta have assured the domain owner on a number of occasions that all old addresses have been removed, but actions speak louder than words: the spam continues.

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